Montana’s Premier Flies & Insect Control Specialists

Bozeman Insect Control. Specialized Service with IPM Programs.

At Pest Pros of Montana, we will pride ourselves with excellent work ethics and make absolute sure our customers receive the best customer service possible. We offer experienced knowledgeable solutions and deliver the most effective; and safe approach for all your bug problems.

Call us today at 406.595.5750 and let us help you out.

Pest Pros of Montana truck

Call Today for Competitive Pricing

Integrated Pest Management Programs with Specialization in Commercial / Industrial / Residential / Lodging / Food Services /School / Ranch Operations / Livestock Operations / Vacation Rentals

Proudly Serving Montana…

from Bozeman to Big Sky and Three Forks to Big Timber*.

* Special travel service for bat removal, exclusion, or advisory is available for unique requests across the State of Montana to remote areas or challenging circumstances.


Insects / Flies / Spiders


Mice / Bats / Pest / Wildlife Control